The Obituary of our late colleague, Rafaella Cribiore,
2023-07-25 18:18:16
Raffaella Cribiore (1948-2023) The news of Raffaella Cribiore’s accidental death from drowning on July 13 (at Finale Liguria in Italy) was a great shock to her many friends across the world

An letter from Cairo Museum. Dr. Walaa El-Genedy
2023-05-02 22:11:41
An Official letter from the Egyptian Museum regarding the study of a group of Ostraca belonging to Dr. Walaa El-Genedy

ASALEX Conference
2023-04-27 13:36:00
The Archaeological Society of Alexandria 130th Anniversary ALEXANDRIA AND HELLENISM IN NORTHERN EGYPT An International Conference, Celebration & Proceedings Dedicated to the Memory of MOSTAFA EL-ABBADI Organized by the Archaeological

joining AEP
2022-07-07 17:12:33
To join AEP please contact Prof. Magdy A. I. Aly or Assoc. Prof. Abeer El Hadidi via email: or download the application
Moving the website to a new host
2022-06-23 03:18:06
Dear colleagues, The website has been moved to a new host, therefore the links that associated to the old website mail addresses have been changed to this link, and we will keep

New Articles concerning Papyri restoration By Mr. Moamen
2018-07-23 00:00:00
New Articles New Articles has been added in the field of ancient documents’restoration by expert restorer and director of restoration department Mr. Moamen Othman, Egyptian Museum, Cairo Model of Papyrus Boat Based

* * * Creating e-mail at the extension
2015-07-30 00:00:00
Dear Colleagues: Any member wants to create an e-mail via the AEP (of course, without any fees) please send me with the name he chooses. It is worthy mention that the
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